Torneio juvenil de robótica online

what is TJR@ONLINE?

It is the application of the TJR Juvenile Robotics Tournament in loco, that is, in the environment where students/participants practice robotics activities. In this way, it is the main vehicle for the dissemination of Robotics and Computing, and the RoboLeague platform is the tool for comparing performances under the accurate analysis of teachers / referees and the community.

Choose the challenge and build the robot

Check the Challenge Leagues (HERE) and choose the one you want to participate in. Assemble the robot and start testing it in your operations scenario.

REcord the robot's performance

When the robot is already taking the first steps of its development, you will be able to make videos recording its performance.

Complete and submit the performance form

Having the score and validation videos and other robot performance data, you will be able to fill in the Performance Sheet online.

for everyone, wherever they are






Multimedia Record 

Register Humans and RobOTS


Apenas tente!

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Apenas tente!

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How it works  


  • The TJR organization produces the public notices of the proposed challenges for ONLINE employment and passes them on to RoboLeague to take care of guiding participants on the mission required for the robot to be built and the scenario in which it will have to be carried out. The details of the procedures to be carried out during the tests of the prototypes of robots built in such a way that they are valid to be submitted to the calculation of the respective Efficiency Index are also presented to the interested parties.
  • RoboLeague has a means of systematic collection of data from the records of the performance of robots candidates for analysis in the scenarios predefined by the notices.
  • RoboLeague has an algorithm for calculating the efficiency index of each participating robot from the data of its performance corroborated by the respective audiovisual records: The developed algorithm relates the valuation of the tasks in which the robots were successful compared to what was expected of them in the proposal for the notice and measures this relationship according to the time taken to carry out the mission.
  • On the dates published in the annual calendar, in which the local stages or the ANNUAL FINAL will take place, the registered teams must send as many Performance Sheets as requested and the classification of the teams is made, for each challenge, based on the Robots Efficiency Indexes obtained during the occasion of the event.

easy to participate





Dance online - RULES



Record online - RULES

Tug of War online - RULES

Sumo online - RULES

Journey to the Center of the Earth online - RULES

Rescue online - RULES

Tug of War 2 X 2 online - RULES

High Risk Rescue online - RULES

Autonomous Car Race online - RULES

Sumo 3 kg online -


Check the  TJR@ONLINE calendar and participation rules

register the performance on the day of the tjr@Online 


tjr@Online ANNUAL FINAL 2024 - NOVember 01st to 11th