All those registered to participate in the Institute's events must register on the RoboLeague platform. Therefore, they must submit at least one Performance Sheet referring to any competition they intend to attend, whether this competition is in person or online. In other words, only teams that have demonstrated performance qualification (non-null score) in the Performance Sheet validated by the arbitration will receive the Key Word for confirmation of registration at the event.
All the submitted Performance Sheet makes the robot participate in the International ranking of Robots by RoboLeague which, at 5 pm (GMT) on the 31st of each year, issues an annual performance report, rewarding the first placed in each challenge. Visit HERE.
In 2020, the ONLINE edition of the TJR was created, aimed at competition between real robots acting in real scenarios predefined by the organization. The RoboLeague platform is the venue for the event and the challenges offered are HERE.
In 2020, the ONLINE edition of the ITR was created, aimed at competition between real robots acting in real scenarios predefined by the organization. The RoboLeague platform is the venue for the event and the challenges offered are HERE.
The RoboLeague platform is the headquarters of international events TORNEO and YTRo. The challenges offered are HERE.
The TJR and the ITR are events that annually attract around 2000 teams.
National theoretical test that addresses curricular topics in Basic Education involved with the typical problems encountered in the production of robot prototypes. MORE.
The TJR - Youth Robotics Tournament is one of the largest free robotics events in Latin America. Occurs since 2009 and is intended to spread Robotics in the school environment from Basic Education to Higher Education. It has national coverage and the best performing teams qualify for the International Tournament of Robots. MORE.
The ITR International Tournament of Robots is a free event of international scope that corresponds to the international stage of the TJR Youth Robotics Tournament. MORE.
For children from 6 to 11 years old. MORE.